What is breathwork?

Have you been hearing people talking about something called breathwork and wondering what it is? Maybe you've even heard some people calling breathwork the new yoga and you want to know what the fuss is all about. In this journal entry, I'm sharing all the need-to-know basics about breathwork so you can decide if it might be something you want to try!

What is breathwork?

Breathwork is consciously using the incredibly empowering tool we all have - the breath - to enhance emotional, mental, physical and even spiritual wellbeing.

In practice, this means breathing in different patterns to connect with your body and explore what you need in that moment. Feeling anxious? There’s a breathwork for that. Sluggish? There’s a breathwork for that. Nervous? Breathwork, breathwork, breathwork.

The best bit is this tool is free and accessible to basically anyone. But the thing is sometimes we need help understanding how to use this amazing tool. Or, should I say, remembering how to use it. Because in today’s busy world where we live mostly in our minds, we’ve forgotten how to access our bodily wisdom; we’ve forgotten how to properly breathe. So that’s where I come in.

What is a breathwork facilitator?

As a facilitator, I create space for people to go on a journey into the body and into themselves, inviting them to let the breath take them where they need to go. I did my training with the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance certified school Breathing Space to learn how to effectively and safely hold space so that my breathers can breathe with confidence and let themselves go to their most tender edges in the name of healing and transformation.

What does a breathwork session look like?

It really depends on the style of breathwork and the facilitator!

Breathwork sessions can be either 1:1 or in a group and you usually lie or sit down somewhere comfortable. Sometimes you will explore a theme with the breath, and other times you will simply connect to your breath. A breathwork session is often set to music, which helps to guide your breathwork journey and makes for a lovely experience.

There is usually an opportunity to share your experience after the session if you feel called to do so. This can be a really healing process, which I learned through the experience of sharing this poem that I wrote after a conscious connected breathwork session.

What type of breathwork sessions do you facilitate?

The type of breathwork I am training in is called conscious connected breathwork, which is an intense and transformative breathwork practice. Sessions are normally 60 to 90 minutes long, with around 30 minutes of active, open-mouth, full-body breathing set to music. It really has to be experienced to be understood.

I also lead people in other more gentle types of breathwork, which can be great for coping with everyday anxiety, stress and overwhelm or to give you an energy boost.

Breathwork sounds amazing. Tell me more.

It is amazing.

In short, breathwork is an empowering and accessible self-development and wellness tool that can meet you where you’re at and take you where you need to go in any given moment. It’s hands down one of the things that helped me get through early motherhood and general 2020 mayhem in one piece. Check out this journal entry for more on that.

Can I do a breathwork session with you?

Yes. Please find more about my breathwork sessions here. I run sessions online but also do occasional breathwork events in the Lausanne area and wider Switzerland

I look forward to breathing with you soon!


What can you experience in a Conscious Connected Breathwork session?


My journey into breathwork