4 simple energy hacks for weeks when the work-life-mum juggle feels particularly hard

Hands up if you’ve had one of those weeks recently 🙋‍♀️

You know the ones - when you feel like if one more thing is added to your to-do list you’ll self-combust and then a side-ball comes in and you do manage to handle it all but only just and you fall into bed every night (after a little scroll) and wonder how you’ll do it all again tomorrow. And repeat all week long.

For me, March to May were full of weeks where the juggle was a struggle: all the work tasks hit at the exact same time as so many other things that were going on in life. I’ll be honest - it felt fun and full and a lot all at the same time. And I made it to the end of each week in one piece but my energy was seriously drained.

It reminds me that some weeks are just like that. Effing busy and full on. Not enough sleep. Not enough down time. Too much work. Not enough space to breathe. I don’t think life is sustainable at that pace every single week.

But, yeah, those weeks do and will come around, especially when you’re a mum who is juggling a job or business with bringing up children. As a freelance writer and self-employed breathwork facilitator if coach plus mum of two little ones under 5, I know how it feels!

I find that on those weeks it is just a case of squeezing in those tiny self-care/energy-management practices and moments to keep your energy and capacity tanks full enough to keep going. And, sure, you might end up in a heap at the end of the week, but you made it.

Here are four simple but effective ways to have the energy to keep going on the weeks when the juggle feels particularly hard.

Use the power of your breath:

Every time you breathe you are bringing in, circulating and releasing life force energy. Many of us are habitually not breathing optimally and making the most of this tool we have with us all the time. A good 1st step: try switching to breathing low (belly rising and falling and your lower ribs expanding and contracting), slow and through the nose whenever you become aware of your breath throughout the day. This diaphragmatic breathing helps bring air into your lungs more efficiently and reduce stress, which can be draining your energy.

Do one tiny thing each day that lights you up.

Sometimes you need rest to recharge, sometimes you need more of what puts a fire in your belly and excites you. It might be dancing to a song that you cannot not dance to, watching some comedy, a cold plunge, a heart-to-heart with a soul sister who just gets you… I know you’re stretched this week but this will fill up your tank in a way you didn’t know you needed.

Schedule in a reverse lie-in: aka recreate the vibes of a weekend lie in but in reverse.

On busy weeks, I know you’re probably glued to your laptop until late in the evening but try to save one night a week to do the following: as soon as your kids are in bed (even better if your partner, should you have one, does bedtime), have a leisurely bath, then head to bed in your favourite pjs, a mug of sleepy tea and your favourite snack and book. Why not throw in some legs up against the wall and extended exhales.

Ask yourself: how can I simplify things?

A question that highlights where you might be over complicating things and draining precious energy. This might look like: delegating, delaying or ditching things off this to-do list, letting go of something that’s not working or reframing something.

An invitation:

Pick one of these tips and implement it next week and see how it shifts things, even by 1%.

If you would like support recalibrating your life so you have more energy and capacity to show up for the beautiful chaos of this chapter feeling confident, calm and connected, then have a look at my coaching programme especially for mums doing the juggle. I’m taking on new clients as of September 2024 so join the waitlist now to get one of the limited spots.


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