A reminder: it's okay to change

When I first started this journal back in 2019, I was focussed on helping people eat more plant-based food. This was what felt aligned to me at the time. And, if I’m honest, it’s what felt safe as “vegetarian/vegan” are labels I’m very comfortable wearing and people are used to assigning to me.

But when 2020 well, happened, and the world changed overnight (and I also became a mother at almost exactly the same time), my mission changed. I realised that my heart beat faster for helping people with more than just food. At first, I resisted because it wasn’t convenient. But then I started deeply listening and it inspired me to lean into change.

I observed what was happening in the world and the shift in what was needed from me:

  • People didn’t want recipe after recipe to follow.

  • People didn’t want a 6-step formula of how to eat more plant-based.

  • People didn’t want a blueprint of what worked for me to apply on themselves.

This comes as no surprise when the world we live in suddenly has all these new rules and structures that we have to get used to. Instead, here’s what I picked up from listening: people want to journey into themselves to have the tools to work things out for themselves.

  • Less prescribing, more feeling into things

  • Less controlling, more flowing

  • Less doing, more being

  • Less rationalising, more intuitive knowing

Overall, it's perhaps best described as this: less living in the mind, more connecting with and being guided by the body and heart. And so my offering has also made this natural move more from the head to the body and heart. Which is exactly the kind of journey I take my clients on. This is the exact reason why I knew I needed to add an embodiment practice - aka breathwork - to my offering. 

You might have observed this change from the sidelines as my focus has transitioned. It's been gradual. Or it has felt like that anyway. And I suppose I’ve never felt the need to do a big fat rebrand announcement. After all, the whole point of having a business in my name is that my offerings get to evolve as I evolve as a person...

Side note: I still do plant-based cooking on a few wellness retreats a year but that’s all I can manage at the moment while little T is so little. This feels aligned as it's physically working with food and sharing it with people in a real-world setting. It's an embodied experience. Also, do I imagine myself cooking on retreats all over the world at some point? Absolutely. But that’s not for now.

Anyway, here’s the takeaway I want to share from this whole process: it’s okay to change.

That sounds overly simple but it can be hard to give yourself permission to change, to try out new things, to follow the breadcrumbs that the universe lays out in front of you, believing that you’re being led in the right direction.

But I believe we must change; it’s how we evolve, it’s how we carve our unique paths, it’s how we become more and more ourselves with each breath and each step we take. As Heraclitus says, “The only constant is change”. So let’s lean into it.

Journalling prompts:

  • What change are you being called to make that would allow you to step more into your authenticity?

  • What resistance do you feel to making this change? What fear(s) are behind that resistance? Where do you feel it in your body?

  • What would become possible if you made the change that you keep thinking about? Paint a picture. How does this feel in your body?

  • Who would you have to be to make this change?

  • What’s stopping you?

  • What one step you can take today towards making this change?

If you fancy having my 1:1 support as you're weathering change in your life, then take a look at my breathwork and coaching offerings.


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