Want out of your unfulfilling 9-5? Try these 9 hacks

Are you stuck in an unfulfilling 9-5 but you know deep down that you want more out of life? But the thing is...you can’t quit just yet.

You’re not alone.

I was in that exact situation last year. I get it, it’s not a fun place to be in.

Given the events of 2020, a lot of us may be re-evaluating our work situation right now. If you’re in full-time employment, but aren’t able to just go ahead and quit or don’t know what it is you even want to do yet, I see you.

And you probably feel guilty for wanting to leave a secure job when so many people would kill for a stable salary, don't you?

But you also have this niggling feeling that just won’t go away that you are meant for more.

More freedom.

More autonomy.

More creativity.

More living life on your terms.

More adding value to the world.

And not answering to anyone else but yourself.

But, the thing is, you can’t quit yet. You have no savings, no business plan or perhaps no idea what the hell you’d do as your own boss!

Well, this journal entry is for you.

I’m here to tell you that all is not lost and there is so much you can do starting from today to take steps towards your dream of creating fulfilling work you love, on your terms.

Who am I to talk about this? Well, I just spent 3 years in a 9-6 project management role and knew from day one it wasn’t for me. But I was determined not to quit without a solid plan and direction. This time, if I was getting out of the rat race, I was getting out for good. 

As a backstory, 5 years ago I set up as a freelance translator and made all the mistakes in the book. After just 1.5 years, I was exhausted, burnt out, and fed up of sitting in front of my laptop every day translating for very little compensation. I realised that I didn’t love translation and the lifestyle it offered me enough to do it full-time, long-term.

I wanted to do work I’m truly passionate about and that's more aligned to who I really am and what I really believe in.

So I needed a plan.

I took a full-time, stable job and then started hatching my get-out plan almost as soon as I arrived. After 3 years and a bit years and a whole lot of work (and a little baby in tow now!), I’ve finally broken out on my own. As a wellness coach, I offer 1:1 holistic wellness coaching to women. I also work as a freelance copywriter, working specifically with entrepreneurs and startups on projects which feel aligned. 

Would I be at this point today had I sat on my arse for 3 years and complained about feeling unfulfilled by my job? Nope.

So, what did I do?

Read on to find out what I did to enable me to step away from the 9-5 and into the wonderful world of entrepreneurship:

  1. Invest in learning and developing skills:

    Since 2017, I’ve taken quite a few courses to help me on my path to working for myself. I used a portion of my monthly salary to invest wisely in my future. I’ve studied naturopathic nutrition, plant-based nutrition, holistic health coaching, copywriting, French, yoga and social media marketing. I don’t plan to stop here. All of these courses have not only given me valuable skills, but also brought me tonnes of clarity about what I want to offer the world. 

  2. Spend time wisely:

    This is a really key one. Working a 9-6 plus overtime, commuting, keeping fit, eating well and sleeping is already a packed schedule. Add in socialising, holidays, life admin and cleaning etc and you have a very full life. I had zero time to spare but I was also committed to creating work I love so I used these hacks to master my relationship with time. The bottom line is: nothing will happen unless you make time for it.

  3. Evaluate likes / dislikes:

    Having a stable job can offer a good opportunity to work out what you are and aren’t looking for in your own venture. For example, I realised I loved and was good at mentoring new staff. However, I also recognise I’m not a big fan of jumping from project to project and I work best focussing on one thing for multiple hours at a time. I’m creating my business with such insights in mind so my daily work is enjoyable and efficient. 

  4. Look for interesting opportunities at your current job:

    The time in your 9-5 is only wasted if you sit twiddling you’re thumbs and / or complaining. Clarity comes through action. I took on the additional role of wellness coordinator in my last job and that helped me see how the corporate wellness industry worked. As a result, I can see wellness work in corporations has huge potential but it’s not what interests me most right now.

  5. Focus on gaining transferable skills:

    Without 3 years as a project manager, I don’t think I’d have the business know-how to set up on my own. Honing transferable skills is only going to be a good thing for when you move onto working on your passion projects. Try keeping a running list of skills you’re picking up as you go along so you see how your time is not being wasted.

  6. Work out what your core desires are:

    This is perhaps the most important first step to getting out and staying out. The reason my freelance translator life didn’t exactly work out is simple to see with hindsight - the work (and life that went with it) wasn’t aligned to my core desires. Working out what we actually want from life and what’s important to us is the key first step in creating work (and a life) we love and that fulfils us.

  7. Set up systems:

    One big pitfall last time I worked for myself was that I was all over the place in all the ways. I didn’t have a routine, I either worked every day for a month or took a whole week off, I didn’t keep good records... basically, I worked inefficiently and wasn’t as successful as I could have been. Off the back of this, I’ve spent the last few years creating a morning routine that sets me up for the day. I know no matter how busy entrepreneur life gets; I’ll start each day with presence and mindfulness.

  8. Save save save:

    As soon as I got pregnant in 2019 and knew that I wouldn’t go back to my job after mat leave, I got really serious about saving. A set amount has been coming out of my account each month and, in April, as I received my last paycheck from my job, I reached my target. This is enabling me to pay the bills for a few months while my business gets going.

  9. Hire a coach:

    I’ve worked with various coaches since 2018 and I can genuinely say I wouldn’t be where I am today without the one-on-one support of mentors. They’ve helped me tackle overwhelm and lack of clarity when I didn’t know what direction to take in life, cope with pregnancy, and get clear on the steps needed to build my business. 

Would you like some clarity and support as you transition away from the 9-5 and start creating a life that nourishes you on a soul level? Breathwork and coaching are wonderful for this. Check out my offerings here.


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